Hi Members,
Here is the supplemented agenda for the April 24th meeting that includes the links to the presentations and contact information for our guest speakers.
Anna Pittala, ANC Co-Communications Coordinator
Austin Neighborhoods Council
Virtual General Membership Meeting
April 24, 2024, 7:00 – 8:30 PM
Supplemented Agenda
IMPORTANT: When signing in to join the Zoom Meeting, please add your affiliation to ANC to your name to ensure you can participate in the meeting. We will be more than happy to assist anyone needing help adding their affiliation information. Anyone signing in with no affiliation to ANC will be bounced off the meeting. Thank you for your assistance.
6:30 - 7:00 Sign-into Zoom meeting and social network time
7:00 - 7:04 Call to Order/Welcome by Jeff Bowen, ANC V-P1 Welcome New ANC Members, Membership Reminder
7:04 – 7:06 Candidate introductions: Doug Greco - Mayor (2 max minutes each)
7:05-7:10 COA Historic Preservation- Cara Bertron - Preservation plan website: www.PublicInput.com/ATXpresplan, Digital toolkit: www.bit.ly/AustinPresPlan (comments open through May 31!)
7:10-7:13 May 4 Election - Jeff Bowen - Three Travis Central Appraisal District Board of Directors
7:06 – 7:56 Austin Transit Partnership – Alvin Livingstone, Deron Lozano, & Jocelyn Vokes, Austin Light Rail Implementation Plan plus Q&A, jocelyn.vokes@atptx.org, ATP Board Mtgs https://www.atptx.org/atp-board-meetings/
7:56 – 8:08 Vote on H.O.M.E. Phase 2 Resolution – Facilitated by Jeff Bowen, ANC V-P 1 - passed, no nays, 1 abstention
8:08 –8:20 H.O.M.E. Phase 2, Compatibility, and ETOD Update – Barbara McArthur, ANC V-P 2 Map showing how many 2,000 square foot lots you could put in existing lots (green is SF1, SF-2, SF-3): https://amm.maps.arcgis.com/apps/mapviewer/index.html?webmap=e42a55f154c942598a1dd0621a2b6752, Explainer for this map and more info: https://communitynotcommodity.com/2024/04/23/h-o-m-e-next-phase-2/, Explainer for all three: https://communitynotcommodity.com/2024/04/08/council-rushing-to-complete-h-o-m-e-next-and-create-mile-wide-high-density-transit-districts-2/
8:20 Announcements
8:32 Adjourn