6:30 - 7:00 Sign-into Zoom meeting and social network time
7:00 – 7:02 1. Call to Order/ Welcome
(2 minutes)
7:02 – 7:03 2. Introduction of new Co-Secretary
by ANC President Ana Aguirre
(1 mi
7:03 – 7:33 3. “Environmental Criteria Manual Section 3.5 -2022
3rd Quarter Rule Changes”
presented by
Daniel Priest, Board Certified Master Arborist,
Environmental Compliance Specialist Senior,
Community Tree Preservation Division
City of Austin Development Services Department
(15/15 minutes)
7:33 – 7:40 4. ANC Resolution Regarding the Rewilding of Zilker Park
presented by Robin Rather, Vice-President of Parks and Environment Committee, Zilker Neighborhood Association.
(7 minutes)
7:40 – 7:45 5. ANC 2021 Budget Rollout and Roll Call Vote
by Sheryl Cheatham, ANC Treasurer
(5 minutes)
7:45 – 7:55 6. “Austin Strategic Mobility Plan Updates”
by ANC VP1 Barbara McArthur
(10 minutes)
7:55 – 8:00 7. Announcements
8:00 Adjourn
(This agenda is subject to change due to availability of speakers.)